
Frontend > General


Rules and Guidelines

  • Do NOT style using the id.
    • ids have a higher specificity than classes or elements and as such behave unpredictably
  • If you’re styling an element such as div or span, use a CSS class instead of just targeting div/span in the CSS file.
    • If I see some code that’s styling a div that’s a child of nav that’s a direct child of ul that’s a direct child of some-component, I have much less of an idea of what’s going on than if I see something like parent-component.help-link { color: $grey; etc }.
  • Use dash-case for class names.
  • Avoid using :nth-of-type, or multiple html tag selectors in a row. Instead we prefer apply multiple classes.
    • Example of multiple tag selectors below:
        section div p span i { 
         margin: 10px
  • Keep as ‘Immutable’ as possible! i.e: Do NOT overwrite styles with the same name to have different functionality.
  • Only use the @import command to import files that set variables.
  • If you @import a partial which generates styles, and the partial is called or imported elsewhere, the generated CSS will contain duplicate styles. Only use @import on ‘safe’ partials which generate and set variables for use elsewhere, but don’t produce any CSS. Then, the files which call @import on these ‘safe’ partials can use these common variables to generate styles as needed.
  • Whenever a new feature is added to the frontend, make a good faith effort to pay attention to these things:
    • Are all new clickable/interactive items also accessible to a keyboard?
    • If an item is interactive, does it have hover and focus behaviour?
    • If color is removed from the page, is all essential information still present?
      • talking about color blind accessibility
  • Split up classes via ‘separation of concerns’.
    • Layout
    • Style
    • Functionality

Separation of Concerns Guideline

Must READ link

Localization Guide

Strings should be declared constants and associated with a language i.e: All English strings are grouped together.

Capitalization Guide

When referring to specific links or buttons in the application, use the casing in the specific link or button.

Example text:

  • Click the “Add to Library” button
  • Go to Saved Searches and click the “+” button.

Exception : if the link in question is in ALL CAPS, do not refer to it with ALL CAPS. Instead use title case. This capitalization is intended for use in headers and should not be used in general copy.

Domain Objects in General Discourse

Examples of a domain object: markers, users, charts, dashboards, reports.

Do not capitalize domain objects unless

  1. You are referring to a specific link or button in the application
  2. The text you are writing is in title case
  3. Other English capitalization rules apply, such as the domain object beginning a sentence.

When to use title case vs sentence case

Examples of title case:

  • Upload File
  • Create Document

Example of sentence case:

  • Are you sure you want to delete these 2 saved searches?

Generally, use title case for short, terse phrases in titles, tooltips, navigation elements, etc.

If the text you are using is longer than 3-5 words, strongly consider using sentence case instead.

Maintain Visual Consistency

  • If copying a considerable amount of CSS from another place, consider extracting them to _todo.scss or putting a comment on your new code so they can be modified together in the future.

  • Never new colors to the console, ONLY use the colors available in _todo.scss
  • Always look for pre-existing styles for UI elements. Majority of the time, what you want already exists somewhere.

Finding Classes

  • Inspect element of the thing you want to copy (You may need to go a couple elements above, since the class could be on the parent). Then search for those class names in your editor.

How To Review CSS

  • Check for:
    • Separation of concerns
    • Too much nesting
    • Immutability
    • Lack of variable usage (randomly adding new colors/font sizes)
    • Lack of GOOD names
    • See an explicit 0 getting set, like padding: 0? This is likely overwriting something… which we want to avoid as much as possible.

Screen Readers

Need to make sure things have the right aria attributes that let screen readers know how they should be used, and also have keyboard accessibility. We can get a lot of mileage out of using default controls, but sometimes we can’t. (the accordion behaviour on the search page table, modals…)
